Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcRailways Transport ServicesTender ValueN.A.
LocationNot Classified - India Ref.No79355772
Closing Date01 - Jul - 2025
Supply, Transportation, Installation, Wiring. Testing and commissioning of Multi section Digital Axle counter (MSDAC) for mentioned detection point and Track section as per SIP complete with all accessories, cable required with each track device & Card Viz. Axle Detectors, Track side electronics/DAC field units., central Evaluator (central Evaluator unit should be housed in a pre fabricated Rack to be supplied along with the system), Reset unit, relay unit, Event logger and diagnostic terminals etc, required for different detection points and track sections as por RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/176/2013. Ver.3 or latest and OEM manufacturers specification (Per DP-Nos);
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